sexta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2017

Spectrum Analyzer using DXPatrol MK4

The 2MHz maximum display from an RTL dongle sometimes is not enough, one way to deal with it and explore the spectrum is using QSpectrumAnalyser.
Using QSpectrumAnalyser with DXPatrol MK4 from 87 MHz to 1,5GHz
Just follow the instructions on AD-Vega/rtl-power-fftw

quinta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2017

DXPatrol MK4 SDR

There is a new DXPatrol SDR, the Ultra Wide-band Coverage SDR Receiver DXpatrol Mk4. Some new features:

    Direct Sample Mode *
    Very High performance Pre-amplifier +33dBm IP3*
    Font-end input antennas protection *
    Shielded Aluminum box *